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2014-03-21 17:19:18
Advocate New Concepts and Ideas
When philanthropy is understood at a superficial level, its purpose becomes less in line with society’s key objectives. That is when philanthropy may do more harm than good. Strategies and mechanisms of innovation must begin with changing concepts. These new concepts and ideas originate from the selections of social objectives. Promote the just and harmonious development of society. Philanthropic projects must have positive impacts on society, dedicated people, a harmonious society, and harmony between man and nature. Social innovation not only can benefit society, but also provides an opportunity for we, people working in the philanthropy sector, to reflect on and improve ourselves.
Develop New Frontiers
An existing new frontier includes community sustainable development outside traditional philanthropy. To develop and enter new frontiers we must be able to see and understand the perspectives of those we are helping; Areas such as poverty alleviation, disaster relief, education, and new requirements and needs of the medical field.
Discover New Driving Forces
New driving forces stem from the people. The essence of social innovation requires finding ways to motivate society to resolve its own issues. Carrying out social innovation movements must incorporate the ideals of volunteerism and understanding one’s own obligations as a citizen of the society. By utilizing new business models such as the Internet, more information can be spread about the driving forces behind true volunteerism.
Integrate New Resources
One of the most important features of social innovation is cross-sector collaboration. Social innovation should no longer be left for the third sector to take responsibility and carry through projects. Government and corporations are also important forces in promoting social innovation. Now with the introduction of corporate social investments, entrepreneurs are more involved in becoming new players of social innovation.
Experiment New Methods
Social innovation is a combination of market economy and social welfare. To bring sustainability to philanthropic organizations, market mechanisms and business operating models must be introduced as the core principles of social innovation. Social enterprises are the primary forms of social innovation, which is the greatest way in raising the efficiency of philanthropic organizations.
Adopt New Technologies
The Internet has radically changed human society and the way we obtain information. New media networks and platforms embody certain fundamental characteristics of modern society. Our understanding of society and the methods that we influence it have changed as well. Undoubtedly, this will have great effects on the philanthropic community. Social innovation will become more independent than traditional philanthropy by utilizing web technologies to achieve its public interest objectives. YouChange will strive to become a driving force in promoting development in this area.
Nurture New Talents
The new economic wave has provided special conditions and vast space for talents to dedicate themselves to social innovation.