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Comments on Neo-Philanthropy























The concept of new philosophy is inseparably linked with common prosperity, poverty reduction and assistance to those in need as we advocate. This concept is an indication of a modern society as well as a mature modern society. My understanding is quite simple: we should turn poverty reduction from an entrepreneur’s beliefs and actions into institution and social business with social commitment. This is the aspiration of Chairperson Wang and YouChange.

                                                     —Remarks by Mr. Fan Xiaojian, Director of the CPAD,






                                                 at the welcome reception of Social Innovation Forum on 14 September 2010.







We face a new environment as we are in a new historical period. Globalization is spreading around the world and the reform and opening-up program has been implemented in China for 30 years. What will happen in the next 30 years? We are bound to have new tasks in promoting philanthropy in this new historical period and environment. How to achieve these new tasks? The answer is new approaches. We must keep innovating in promoting philanthropy by concentrating wisdom and resources from different sectors so that this great endeavor will roll forward like the waves of the Yangtze River.





                                                —Remarks by Mr. Tu Guangshao, Vice Mayor of Shanghai,












                                                at the welcome reception of Social Innovation Forum 14 September 2010.


I reckon neo-philanthropy means there is one common point between doing business and doing philanthropy: for those doing business like us, we get where we are because we pay close attention to efficiency and we know that every penny is hard-earned. Therefore, when we invest our money in philanthropy, we also pay close attention to efficiency and innovation. We hope we invest in philanthropy that is sustainable, innovative and will benefit more people in the future. We need more entrepreneurs to support and participate in neo-philanthropy.


Guo Guangchang, Vice Chairman of YouChange and Chairman of Fosun Group, 

at the welcome reception of Social Innovation Forum on 14 September 2010.


I believe there is an urgent need in China to discuss neo-philanthropy under current social and economic circumstances. Why? In the past 31 years of reform and opening up, the economy is booming and growing fast, while social and environmental problems have become more and more serious. If we do not fundamentally resolve these problems in the next ten to twenty years, social stability and harmony will be at risk. It is essential for us to make innovation and breakthrough if society is to enjoy stability and businesses are to have sustainable development. Traditional approaches no longer work.

Our discussion here has already started a necessary revolution. If we conduct cross-sector cooperation and promote neo-philanthropy with our respective resources and we gather here again in ten years or twenty years, we will feel very proud when we look back.  

Yang Zhongren, CSR Director of Intel China, 

At the opening ceremony of Social Innovation Forum on 15 September 2010.


Action for new philanthropy. The 250 forum participants will take this as their principle and practice the new philanthropy idea in actions.

                  —Yang Tuan, Deputy Director of Social Policy Research Center, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,

                                                               at the opening ceremony of Social Innovation Forum on 15 September 2010.


Neo-philanthropy is about addressing the conceptual issue. As we have worked in this field for so many years, why don’t we have a new concept? The business has its concept, the government has its concept, and the social organization has its concept. Now is the high time to have a new and widely-accepted philanthropy concept, the fundamental condition for cross-sector cooperation. Without such a new concept, cross-sector cooperation will become chaotic and no mainstream concept of philanthropy will emerge. I think YouChange has a very good job and I hope we can promote the new philanthropy concept and make it the mainstream idea in our society. 



An ordinary participant 

At the opening ceremony of Social Innovation Forum on 15 September 2010.



I think in China new philanthropy thought needs to have sustainability and new partners in order to realize new charity ideals.

Ian Robinson, Representative from the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in Beijing,

at the opening ceremony of Social Innovation Forum on 15 September 2010.

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