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Let the public interest within reach, "new public welfare the raised platform" online

 The 2014-04-24 19:52

"The raise" and "public interest" is with all strength, complete public happiness dream, both natural "inner growth gene", also let the raise pattern with the combination of the new public service as "a match made in heaven" -- let the "public interest" to become a reality, but also enhance the project sponsor and raise the interactive open operation, is advantageous to the public welfare projects and form closer relations between participants.

Rio tinto unbounded love, the raise pattern to build new public power.4month23, the raise network held a press conference in Beijing, announced on its website officially launched "new public service" the raised platform, issued in accordance with the concept of "new public service" financing project.As a2014New public carnival, one of the important online activities of "new public welfare and the raised platform", the Internet and public welfare with the attitude of a cross-border integration into people's horizons.

The platform launched by youcheng foundation to the raise network, according to the idea, the new public welfare the raised platform will attract numerous financing project of social value, the raise network will provide network platform for these projects, financing the project editor display, raise technical support, money transfer services.

The raise financial net parent net letterCEOChengJia said, the raise and the combination of public welfare, further highlights the powerful industry incubators to raise net.All at the same time, this kind of cross-industry raise market operation pattern, provides the dreams of every field more wide and wide stage.

Youcheng foundation deputy secretary general of zero hui, says ms youcheng foundation is a new public early advocates and practitioners actively, is the angel of social innovation and support platform.Cooperate with network of the raise opened new public welfare the raise plates, is to advocate the value investment idea, to meet3AStandards of social innovation and social innovation project support.The so-called3AStandard, the firstAIs refers toAimThat clear social goal orientation;The second is theApproach, that is, the realization of effective path and sustainable mode;The third is aAction, that is, persistent action.

"Raise" is a new financing mode in the Internet age has, everyone can raise posted in the creative or project plan, and through the network platform in the face of the public to raise money.Project sponsors to set up the financing target amount, time limit and supporters to give in return, return way can be physical, can also is real.

Since its establishment, the raise network has successfully hosted the public welfare activities for many times, such as let more kids enjoy the progress of the motherland, "I want to touch a rover" is designed to help the past years the torch of ya 'an earthquake village old people "yi family we family" and so on more than one project.

In the net, raise by everyone raise eventually support public welfare behavior has won the recognition of more and more people.Every day there are a lot of people in the raise net tells the dream, but at the same time also has more and more people to participate in the raise public welfare activities.

The raise network launched is the "new public service platform, and gives a new meaning to China's public welfare undertakings."New public service" is essentially a social value creation, is attention to human dignity and growth.

The "new" means that the new platform, new media, new ideas, new methods, new thinking, new talent, let the public welfare undertakings under the new era has a deeper, more stereo connotation and denotation.The raise, it is a new mode of public welfare in the Internet age;

"Public" more to extend from the connotation of the fair, fair and open to the public, social category, "the raise" and "public" are with all strength, complete public happiness dream.Between the natural "inner growth gene", also let the raise pattern with the combination of the new public service as "a match made in heaven" -- let the "public interest" to become a reality, new technologies, such as the Internet, expand the scope of "public", extensive social cohesion force;

"Yi" is not only a simple benefit or beneficial, but, three-dimensional multi-directional, inclusive to make public welfare undertakings to promote social good ethos of booster.The raise network to open the "new public service" plate, but also enhance the project sponsor and raise the interactive open operation, is advantageous to the public welfare project and participants to form closer relations, more effectively promote the efficient of public project and transparent.In the future, the network also raise hopes to introduce the concept of "new public service" the raise of non-public projects.

ChengJia said, the raise sites in the dream do is a business, project sponsors as a dream chaser for support, and participants is the dream of trust investment, the three formed a benign cycle, and it also just can guarantee all the way to raise more walk more far.We have learned,Its venture capital companies in conference about the raise of donors and the public welfare project of donation.


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